2023, Russia
Runtime: 22 мин
Written and directed: Ekaterina Petrova-Verbich
Produced: Evgenia Zlobinskaya
DoP: Alexey Fedorov
Music: Artem Kim
Sound: Sergey Sinyavsky
Editor: Dmitry Yushin
Production designer: Nadya Skomorokhova
Cast: Ekaterina Paklina, Elena Dementieva, Leonid Bichevin, Andrey Shibarshin, Natalia Ushakova, Elizaveta Novikova, Lyudmila Gorkova, Stefania Huing, Slava Zhukov
This is the story of a mother-daughter friendship that was suddenly lost. Six-year-old girl Nina witnesses an innocent kiss between her mother and a man in a sanatorium. Returning home, the girl tells her dad about it. Mom slaps Nina for this. Mom's act for Nina became a bodily memory of fear of her mother. At night, Nina has a dream that reflects the distance between her and her mother. Daughter's secrets will never be revealed to mother again.