1. General Provisions.

1.1. The All-Russian Event "Short Film Day" (hereinafter referred to as the Event) has been held since 2014 on the initiative of the Youth Centre of the Russian Union of Cinematographers.
1.2. Among the organisers of the Event are MovieStart Production Centre with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, the All-Russian Public Organization “Union of Cinematographers of Russia”, the National Foundation for the Support of Copyright Holders, CANON and other organisations.
1.3. Venues for the Event (hereinafter referred to as Venues) are located at cinema theatres and cinema chains, on-line platforms, cultural and educational (folk art community centres, museums, etc.) and leisure time facilities (town halls, theatres, cinema-and-concert halls, entertainment centres, etc.), educational institutions, cafes and anti-cafes and other venues.
1.4. In 2021, the Event takes place in the hybrid format due to sanitary and epidemiological restrictions and regulations for film screenings and other events.

2. Place and time of the Event.

2.1. Tentative dates of the Event.
Film screenings run from December 13 to December 21, 2021. The main screening days fall on December 20-21, 2021.
The Event’s "Echo Effect” takes place from December 22 to January 9, 2022.
Business and educational programmes are offered on December 15-19, 2021.
2.2. Project geography embraces Russia and foreign countries.

3. Goals and objectives.

3.1. The goal of the Event is to identify and encourage talented and creative young people in the field of cinematography; promote short films to broad public.
3.2. Objectives of the Event are to expand the infrastructure of youth film screening, introduce the audience to new formats of cinematography, facilitate the exchange of experience and expertise between masters and young cinematographers, and to create a bank of venues for short film screenings.

4. Management.

4.1. The Event organisers form an Expert Council and a Management Board of the Event.
4.2. The Expert Council approves the concept of the Event, determines its winners, including the holders of cash prizes.
4.3. Functions of the Event Management Board:
- Organisation of film screenings, master classes, meet-the-artist sessions, round-table discussions;
- Organisation of the Event promotion campaign;
- Invitation of the Event's Expert Council and co-ordination of its work;
- Preparation of informational materials about the Event;
- Moderation of the Event’s website.

4.5. Producer Dmitry Yakunin, Secretary of the Russian Union of Cinematographers, Executive Director of the Youth Centre of the Russian Union of Cinematographers is the Director of the Event.

5. Programme.

5.1. Programme of the Event:
- Non-profit screenings of Russian short feature films, documentary and animated films of 2020-2021, winners of the leading Russian and international film festivals;
- Non-profit screenings of international short film programmes;
- Educational and business programmes;
- Polling and study on debut and short films;
- "Short Film Night";
- My First Short Film Flashmob, etc.

6. Participation of films in the Event.

6.1. The Event accepts short feature films, documentary and animated films produced in the Russian language by authors under 35 years in 2020-2021.
When submitting a film in other languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation or using a foreign language, subtitles in Russian shall be provide.
6.2. Ready-made films are accepted for consideration for the following categories:
"Feature film" – a short feature film, up to 30 minutes long;
"Documentary" – a short documentary film, up to 30 minutes long;
"Animated Film" – a short animated film, up to 30 minutes long;
"Premiere film" – a short feature film, up to 30 minutes long, not freely available in the Internet or social media, not placed in on-line cinemas or on on-line platforms, with previous no public screenings, except for the screenings at educational institutions for educational purposes.
6.3. Films for participation in the Event are submitted free of charge.
6.4. The Event’s Management Board does not cover the travel costs (transportation, accommodation, meals) of film authors, who wish to present their film at an Event venue.
6.5. Film studios or other film organisations, film producers or rights holders agree to screen their pictures as part of the Event itself and of the Event’s "Echo Effect" in 2021-2022 by submitting their films to participate therein.
6.6. Those willing to participate in the Event shall fill in the questionnaire at
6.7. All guests and participants shall comply with the sanitary and epidemiological recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor (the Russian Federal State Agency for Health and Consumer Rights).

7. Selection of films.

7.1. The selection process begins when the collection of applications is announced and continues till November 15, 2021 inclusive (23:59 Moscow time). Films sent after the deadline shall not be accepted for consideration.
7.2. Pre-selection of films for participation in the competitive programmes is carried out by the supervisors of programmes of feature short films, documentaries and animated films. Selected films shall be approved by the programme director of the Event.
7.3. When passing the competitive selection, authors shall send:
- A copy of the distribution certificate (DC);
- A signed and stamped permission for public performance (screening) of the audio-visual work with the rights holder indicated in the distribution certificate (DC);
- materials for the Event’s site, in case they were not sent when submitting the application (synopsis in Russian, the director’s biography and filmography in Russian, photo of the director, photos/single pictures from the film).
7.4. The films included in the competitive programmes shall be assessed by the Expert Council, formed by the Event Management Board, consisting of producers, directors and film experts.
7.5. The Expert Council determines winners in each category based on the results of the rating vote.

8. Awards.

8.1. The Event’s prize fund is 1,600,000 (One million six hundred thousand) roubles.

300, 000 (Three hundred thousand) roubles – Grand Prix of the Festival "Best Feature Film”
150, 000 (One hundred fifty thousand) roubles – Best Director’s Work
150, 000 (One hundred fifty thousand) roubles – Best Script
150, 000(One hundred fifty thousand) roubles – Best Cinematography
250, 000 (Two hundred fifty thousand) roubles – Best Premiere Film
150, 000 (One hundred fifty thousand) roubles – Best Documentary
150, 000 (One hundred fifty thousand) roubles – Best Director’s Work in Documentary
150, 000 (One hundred fifty thousand) roubles – Best Animated Film

8.2. The winner of the Special Audience Choice Award (on-line) shall be determined by reviewers’ vote from December 13 to January 9, 2022 on and awarded a cash prize of 150,000 (one hundred and fifty thousand) roubles.
8.3. Winners in the Event’s categories shall sign a cash prize agreement with MovieStart Ltd.
8.4. The Event’s winners and runners-up in each category receive prizes from the organisers and partners thereof.
8.5. Winners get their awards, with the exception of the Audience Choice Award category, during the Short Film Night.

9. Organisation of film screenings at the Venues.

9.1. The Event venue shall meet the following requirements:
9.1.1. Use its own staff to support events, including film screenings;
9.1.2. Provide wired microphones (if necessary and available) in the hall for events;
9.1.3. Provide audio and video reproducing equipment in the hall;
9.1.4. Independently carry out an information campaign for the Event to invite viewers;
9.1.5. Carry out screenings of the presented films in accordance with the terms of this Agreement signed between the Event Organisers and the venue;
9.1.6. Print and distribute unassisted graphic product, i.e. an event poster, indicating the location and date of the Event;
9.1.7. Demonstrate the Event trailer before the film time during the Event;
9.1.8. Provide information about the venues for the Event (location address, website, name of the venue, seating capacity of the hall, screening dates and time slots);
9.1.9. Provide a photo report of the event and organised short film screenings, links to press/follow-up releases published and information on the number of visitors;
9.1.10. Mention the main organisers and partners in all possible Event press and follow-up releases;
9.1.11. The Event venues shall guarantee that films obtained under the Event will not be posted on the Internet and will not be used for commercial purposes.
9.2. The venue shall guarantee full compliance with the hygiene and epidemiological standards and provide for its part absolutely all safety measures under the circumstances. There are hand sanitizers and temperature measuring devices on site. Only persons wearing masks are allowed to enter. Checkerboard placement of visitors is organised in the halls to maintain a social distancing.
9.3. The Venue shall fill in the Questionnaire to participate in the Event.

10. Cooperation.

10.1. The Event organisers invite partners and media partners to cooperation for whom a sponsorship package is created.

11. Final provision of the Event.

11.1. The Event Organisers guarantee that they shall not use or transfer the films to third parties for commercial purposes, and reserve the right to use photos, slides and episodes from the films (not longer than 3 minutes) for publications in the mass media.
11.2. The Event organisers reserve the right to produce and use video recordings of the business and educational programmes in order to raise awareness about the Event performance indicators on the internet and in the mass media.
11.3. The organisers reserve the right to screen on a non-commercial basis the films submitted for the Event, within the framework of the Event proper and the “Echo Effect” of the All-Russian Short Film Day in 2021-2022 (as agreed with the Rights Holders).
11.4. The Management Board of the Event reserves the right not to explain the reason for not including a film in the Event and leave it without comment.
11.5. The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the guidelines for the Event during its preparations.
11.6. Participation in the Event suggests consent with its Rules and Regulations.

12. Contact information:

12.1. Address:
MovieStart Producer Centre
Of. 35, 2d floor, build. 1, h. 13, Vasilyevskaya str., Moscow 123056
(Central House of Cinematographers)

12.2. Contacts:
Tel.: +7 499 251 85 11