Story film, 2023
Country: Russia
Runtime: 19 min
Age requirement: 6+
Director: Kirill Loginov
Screenwriter: Anna Petrova
Cameraman: Vladimir Borisov
Producer: Blanche Neumann, Tatiana Aldyn-Herel, Alena Protasova
Studio: Bites, Fetish Film
Starring: Alexey Sergeyev, Ambartsum Kabanyan, Polina Sinilnikova, Kirill Komarov, Vasily Nikitin, Denis Avramov

The clown is sacked from the circus because he flies up just 9 centimetres above the ground. The director does not know it's not a trick. The clown does levitate.
Kirill Loginov
Director's short bio and filmography:

Kirill was born in Uzbekistan in 1994. When he was 14, his family moved to St. Petersburg, where he graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television (SPUFT) as a documentary director. After graduation he worked as a producer at a documentary film studio, tried his hand at advertising, fashion and music videos. He explores the genre of magic realism. He likes to fill the reality with his fantasies about it in his works.