Fiction, 2021
Directed by: Julia Kudoyar
Written by: Julia Kudoyar
Produced by: Maxim Demchenko, Andrey Chumakov
Cinematography: Valeriy Sharapov
Music by: Maxim Koshevarov
Sound by: Alexander Panov, Denis Ivanov
Edited by: Ekaterina Beresnevich, Evgeniy Struchkov
Art director: Vladimir Dyatlenko
Cast: Evgeniya Glotova, Alexander Muravickiy, Oleg Chernov, Tatiana Vorotnikova, Nataliya Shchukina, Daria Shevelko, Maria Kapustinskaya, Elena Lopatkina, Tatiana Zakharova, Anton Gulyaev, Evgeniy Struchkov, Grigoriy Tatrenko, Andrey Chumakov, Violetta Silkina, Ivan Makar
Timing: 14 min
Age limit: 16+

Clinging by any means to the opportunity to live and work in a big city, a young representative of the tabloid press, who came from the provinces, on the instructions of the editorial board of Zhizn Tochka Ru, destroys the “object” of her first reportage with a stream of lies and dirt.
Julia Kudoyar

Julia Kudoyar was born in 1989 in Leningrad. At the age of 14, she began acting in youth TV series, in 2012 she graduated from GITIS, workshop of T.V. Akhramkova, majoring in "Acting Art". In 2020 she entered the VKSR in the workshop of directing feature films under the direction of P.S. Lungina, I.L. Volkova.
Story Short Film, 2021
Directed by: Anna Ozar, Pavel Emelin
Written by: Anna Ozar
Produced by: Alexander Ermolin
Cinematography: Pavel Emelin
Music by: Kirill Shirokov
Sound by: Artur Shadrin
Edited by: Maxim Ivanov
Art director: Eduard Galkin
Yasha – Yury Chursin
Kira – Anna Slyu
Lubov Pavlovna – Julia Aug
Zhora – Aleksey Onezhen
Larisa – Olesya Zheleznyak
Dasha – Jana Sekste
Production company: Corona Production
Timing: 24 min
Age limit: 12+

Подросток Жора живёт с бабушкой и только иногда видит родителей. Дело в том, что он аутист, а родители - очень занятые люди. Получится ли из всего этого построить настоящую семью?
Anna Ozar

Anna Ozar is a graduate of VGIK (Gerasimov State Institute of Cinematography, Russia), Film Direction and Drama Department (Denis Rodimin and Vladimir Fenchenko’s Studio Workshop). She graduated from the Screenwriting Workshop of the New York Film Academy, USA in 2017. Anna Ozar’s story short films participated in international film festivals and became prize winners.


2021 – Plumber
2021 – Cuckoo
2019 – The shell
2013 – Shubaduba in peonies
Pavel Emelin

Pavel Emelin is a graduated of the St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television, D. Dolinin’s Cinematography Workshop and B.Ukhananov’s Film Direction Workshop. Trained as cameraman, Pavel is heading successfully to film directing. His debut short film was a sensation in Russia.


2021 – Plumber
2021 – Cuckoo
2020 – Bye, Pavlik
2017 – Leo and Hurricane
Fiction, 2020
Director: Vera Vodynski
Scriptwriters: Irina Semkina, Maria Makarova
Producers: Larisa Matveyeva, Maria Raudsepp
DOP: Lubov Knyazeva
Music by: Eugene Kadimskiy
Sound by: Eugene Kadimskiy
Editor: Vera Vodynski
Production designer: Darya Denisova
Costume designer: Elena Bodrova
Makeup artist: Elena Movchan
Cast: Serafima Ogareva, Olga Lapshina, Sergey Guzeyev, Igor Sergeyev, Aleksandra Vetrova, Vladimir Kotov, Larisa Krupina
Production: KRIQUE Ltd.
Timing: 17 min
Age limit: 6+

Inga is about to go abroad to escape her depression when an accidental encounter with a nearly blind artist makes her stay. In the artist’s fantastic paintings Inga finds a world full of mysteries and discovers that it just takes a closer look to see how many people in the world need us. The film was based on the script which won the script competition “Meet the eye” (eyemovie.ru).
Vera Vodynski

Vera Vodynski is a movie director, a screenwriter. In 2005 she was graduated VGIK experimental director workshop leading by A. Eshpay, V. Fenshenko and S. Miroshnichenko united narrative and documentary films direction. Her experiments in synthesis of narrative and documentary films: “The Dreamers”, “Russian Dance of Okado Yosiko”, “The Celestial Country”, “Zhenechka” were noticed and rewarded by leading Russian international film festivals such as Artdokfest, Artkino, Gold Tambourine, ArtoDoks, National awards Laurus and by others. In 2016 she was graduated The N.S. Mikhalkov Cinematography and Theatre Arts Academy. Her student short movies “Neona”, “The Witch”, “Parents came to me to Sri Lanka” were presented at festivals in Russia, USA, India, France, Italy, Austria etc.