Animated short film (student), 2021
Director,artist,scripter: Anna-Maria Chernigovskaya
Animators: Anna-Maria Chernigovskaya
Compose: Anna-Maria Chernigovskaya
Music: Lina Herz
Sound Sofia Trifonova
Production: School-Studio “SHAR”
Producer: Andrey Khrzhanovsky, Nikolay Makovsky
Timing: 06 min 51 sec
Age limit: 12+

A lone fisherman catches a woman out of the water. Their union seems fine, but there is an unsolvable conflict in it.
Anna-Maria Viktorovna Chernihiv

Anna-Maria Viktorovna Chernihiv was born on 28.07.1995, in Moscow, studied at the specialty "animation directing" in SPbGIKiT and at the school-studio "Shar»


2016 – «Would like to sleep »
Snail’s Breakfast
Animated short film , 2021
Director,art-director,scripter: Eugeniy Fadeyev
Animators: Polina Golishkova, Eugeniy Fadeyev
Music: Alexey Prosvirnin
Sound: Alexey Prosvirnin
Production: School-Studio “SHAR”
Producer: Andrey Khrzhanovsky, Nikolay Makovsky
Хронометраж: 07 min 07 sec
Возрастное ограничение: 12+

In a world where stories are losing their value, all that remains is to enjoy the ever-encroaching nature, and feed on falling fruit. In this world, the city has long since lost its outlines, there are no roads, no streets left to be seen, only artifacts that no longer perform any function, and its only inhabitants are snails that never leave their houses.
Eugeniy Fadeyev

Eugeniy Fadeyev was born on 19.03.1988 in Moscow. In 2011 graduated Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAIK), architecture department.
In 2015 graduated the School-Studio of animation cinema “SHAR” as an animated film director.


2016 – «Hamlet. Comedy»
2018 – «Keep Quiet»
2019 – «Shepherds of Clouds»
Registration and Civil Status Office (ZAGS)
Animated Short Film, 2020
Directed by: Sofico Badalova
Written by: Sofico Badalova
Produced by: Evgeny Savin
Music by: Dmitry Ataulin
Art director: Sofico Badalova
Costume Director: Voice cast Pavel Khrulev, Maria Snetkova, Tatiana Somova, Anton Krainy, Ekaterina Syisa
Production company: Film Studio ANIMOS
Running time: 6 minutes 24 seconds
Age limit: 12+

Registration and Civil Status Office (ZAGS) is an animated short film shot at the studio Animos and sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. The story is based on real events.
The security guard at the ZAGS is a true romantic who believes in love. But one day the ‘Wedding Palace’ turns into a divorce barn.
Sofico Badalova

Sofico Badalova was born on August 7, 1989. She graduated from Gerasimov Colledge of Cinematography, Television and Multimedia (under VGIK), majored in animated cartoon design (2006-2010); Gerasimov Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK), majored in animated design directing and computer graphics (N.Orlova’s Studio Workshop) (2010-2015).


2020 Lex and Plu, Space Taxi Drivers, series; The Disappeared, episode. Metrasfilm Studio, animatic director.
2020 Lex and Plu, Space Taxi Drivers, series, The Planet of Rubbish, episode. Metrasfilm Studio, animatic director.
2018 Mountain of Gems, series, The Horned Tales, episode: Georgian tale ‘The Goat and the Vineyard’. Alexander Tatarsky Studio Pilot, animation director, artistic director, scriptwriter.
2017 Mountain of Gems, series, Tereshechka, episode. Alexander Tatarsky Studio Pilot, animation artist
2017 The Russian Language with Smeshariki, series, episode 26 01 The Week, episode; 2602 Where are you going? Alexander Tatarsky Studio Pilot, director, animation artist.
2017 The Russian Language with Smeshariki, series, episode 10 01 The Big - the Small. Alexander Tatarsky Studio Pilot, animation artist
2017 There Lived a Singing Goose. The bumper for the contest at the Open Russian Festival of Animated Films in Suzdal. The 2nd place. Director, scriptwriter, artistic director, animation artist
2015 The Beard, graduation work, VGIK Studio, debute. Director, scriptwriter, artistic director, animation artist.
2014 The Tooth, term project, VGIK. Director, scriptwriter, artistic director, animation artist.
Animated Short Film, 2021
Directed by: Natasha Danilevskaya, Sashka Veselov
Written by: Natasha Danilevskaya
Produced by: Alexander Gerasimov
Music by: Vlad Piganov
Art director: Natasha Danilevskaya
Production company: Jupiter XXI, LLC
Running time: 6 minutes 48 seconds
Age limit: 12+

The girl runs into different unpleasant situations – name-calling at school, parents’ indifference, lack of understanding and attention… Facing these difficulties she handles them skillfully with the help of her imagination.
The girl plunges into her fantasy world full of unbelievable fairy-tale characters. They are all calm, compassionate, have sense of humor and are very kind.
It is this fantasy world that is perceived as the real one, while the real world is more like a child’s drawing.
The film presents the situation so familiar to everyone – one doesn’t know what to do and how to behave, but there’s nobody to share with. Especially when one’s a child they need encouragement, no matter who will give it – a friend, a mentor, the parent or a fictional character. But is it fictitious indeed? Or is it a true and honest friend?
Natasha Danilevskaya

Natasha Danilevskaya was born in Leningrad in 1989. She graduated from St. Petersburg University, bachelor degree in Graphic Design, in 2010. In her graduation work she designed an interactive animated project named Dream as Imagination. This project treated dreams as creativity and freedom of thought. The user can find themselves amidst their own phantasies having watched the presented animated films and interpreting them their own way. Later, in 2016, the project Dream as Imagination was presented at the exhibition The Circus at the Russian Museum, Benois Wing.
In 2012, Natasha completed her master degree programme in graphic design at St. Petersburg University. The final work presented an interactive multimedia cultural-cognitive project named The Mariinsky Theater. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.
She has worked in graphic and web design, illustration and animation since 2012. In 2013 she got enrolled in the School of Animated Films, PiterMultArt in St. Petersburg. She worked on video mapping and printed goods to The Little Prince ballet (directed by N. Dmitrievsky), 2014.
Her creative works were presented at St. Petersburg and international contests and exhibitions, such as Znak (2007-2009), Modulor (2009, 2011), Adobe Design Achievement Awards (2010), the 4th International Conference of EcoDesign (2011), the 3rd Baltic Biennale of Contemporary Art (2012), the 4th Krasnoyarsk International Festival of Screen and Media Arts (2014), exhibition Wind Across St. Petersburg at the Contemporary Art Museum ARTMUZA (2017). She participates on a regular basis in exhibitions at the Bulthaup Design Gallery, Nabokov Museum, the Concert Hall of the Mariinsky Theater.
In 2016 she began to work on independent films, since then she has participated in festivals worldwide.


2017 – «The Toys House»
2018 – «The Old Lady-Life VS the Old Lady-Death»
2018 – «Decanimeron»
Sashka Veselov

Sashka Veselov was born in Leningrad in 1987. He is a graduate of North-West Technical University. In 2013, he entered I. Maksimov’s School of Animation Directing, St. Petersburg. In 2017 he was a participant and one of the organisers of the exhibition Wind Across St. Petersburg at the Contemporary Art Museum ARTMUZA.


2016 – «The Artist and the Vandals»
2017 – «The Toys House»
2018 – «The Old Lady-Life VS the Old Lady-Death»
Animated Short film, 2021
Directed by: Maria Zheleznova
Written by: Maria Zheleznova
Produced by: Irina Volodina, Valentina Khizhnyakova
Art director: Maria Zheleznova
Production company: LLC Studio ‘Ural-Cinema”
Running time: 4 minutes 38 seconds
Age limit: 6+

An ordinary denim jumpsuit got lost not without reason, but in order to see the sea…
Maria Zheleznova

Maria Zheleznova was born in the city of Pavlodar (Republic of Kazakhstan) on February 26, 1989. She graduated from the Novoaltaysk Art School (Painting Department) and State Urals University of Architecture and Arts, Graphics and Animation Department.


2021 – «My Jumpsuit»
Animated Short film, 2020
Directed by: Anastasia Melikhova
Written by: Anastasia Melikhova
Produced by: Valentina Khizhnyakova
Music by: Mikhail Jacaszek
Art director: Anastasia Melikhova
Production company: LLC Studio “A-Film”
Running time: 6 minutes 20 seconds
Age limit: 6+

An animated film based on the tale about the creation of the Sun and the Moon. The whole world is in the twilight, there is neither light nor darkness. The twins, brother and sister, grow a plant, and one day it produces the first leaf.
Anastasia Melikhova

Anastasia Melikhova was born in the city of Pyit-Yakh on October 30, 1992. She graduated from the State Urals Academy of Architecture and Arts, Graphics and Animation Department.


2017 - «The First Thunder»
2020 - «The Beginning of Light»
Animated Short film, 2021
Directed by: Vasilisa Tiskunova
Written by: Vasilisa Tiskunova
Produced by: Julia Gruvman, Mikhail Aldashin, Boris Mashkovtsev
Music by: Maria Leonova
Art director: Anastasia Grinenko
Production company: Soyuzmulfilm Film Studio
Running time: 3 minutes 44 seconds
Age limit: 0+

Барашек по имени Уолтер очень отличается от своих собратьев по стаду. Пока они заняты лишь мыслями о еде, он мечтает стать прекрасным облаком. Однако путь к его мечте оказывается очень тернистым.
Vasilisa Tikunova

Vasilisa Tikunova was born on October 24, 1998 in Belgorod. She studied at VGIK (Gerasimov Russian State Institute of Cinematography) to be qualified as director of animated films and computer graphics. Her debut short film Under the Clouds won the joint pitching of the Suzdal Animated Film Festival and Soyuzmultfilm Film Studio. This film was picked to take part in the contest of the main International Animation Film Festival in Annecy, France.


2017 - «Heart Cry»
2020 - «Under the Clouds»
Animated Short film, 2021
Directed by: Pavel Nikiforov
Written by: Pavel Nikiforov
Produced by: Georgy Negashev, Irina Snezhinskaya
Music by: Taras Ovsyannikov
Sound by: Nadezhda Shestakova, Nina Denshchinkova
Art director: Pavel Nikiforov, Olga Khatmulina, Vera Pozdeeva
Background artist: Olga Khatmulina
Crtoonists: Vadim Ivanov, Vera Pozdeeva, Anastasia Melikhova
Character designer: Vera Pozdeeva
Artists: Elizaveta Konisheva, Alena Fomintzeva, Alisa Andreeva, Nadezhda Pshenichnikova, Olga Khatmulina, Evgeniya Kovyazina, Anastasia Romanenko, Daria Gavrilova, Tatiana Petrova, Anna Bulatova, Alexandra Bespalova, Alina Khabarova, Rodion Yakovenko, Pelageya Generalova
Voice cast: Anastasia Saiulina, Yuri Tomilov
Production company: Film Company SNEGA, LLC
Running time: 8 minutes
Age limit: 6+

The story is about a huge and scary Buffalo who is an outcast of the animal community. The Buffalo sets to the mountains to find the fallen star which he believes fulfills wishes. But a little Bird intervenes in his journey seeking protection from dangerous Sea Gulls.
Pavel Nikiforov

Pavel Nikiforov was born on July 13, 1993 in Ekaterinburg, Russia. From 2001 to 2002, he studied at the Animation Film Studio for Children “Attraction” under the guidance of art director Sergey Ainutdinov. From 2010 to 2016, Pavel studied in the State Urals University of Architecture and Arts, Fine Arts School, Graphics and Animation Department.