2023, Russia
Written and directed: Ilya Lebedev
Produced: Mikhail Marizov, Samat Yuzeev
DoP: Pavel Belyavskiy
Music: Alexander Glazkov
Sound: Stanislav Paushev-Neznakomov
Editor: Nikolay Ryakhovskiy
Production designer: Polina Kudinova
Сast: Anastasia Belousova, Andrey Red’ko, Yuri Chigrov

Network provider employee meets an old man who struggles to find online his granddaughter. She moved to another town many years ago. Young man finds out that grown up girl became a porn star. Trying to protect the old man with sick heart from the stress of worrying, the guy tries his best to hide the truth.
Ilya Lebedev
Director's short bio:

Ilya Lebedev was born on 22.07.1987 in Moscow, Russia. In 2016 graduated from the Moscow Film School as a film director.

Director's s filmography:

2014 – «Black hole»
2016 – «Roshambo»
2023 – «Alina Wild»